Managing social anxiety :a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach : therapist guide
New York
Oxford University Press
xiv, 218 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Treatments that work
Includes bibliographical references
Debra A. Hope, Richard G. Heimberg, Cynthia L. Turk
2nd ed
Background for therapists -- Introduction and treatment considerations -- Supplemental information on social anxiety -- Assessment of social anxiety disorder -- Session-by-session therapist guide -- Overview of the course of treatment -- Psychoeducation : background on social anxiety -- Psychoeducation : understanding the nature of social anxiety and how to manage it -- Psychoeducation : monitoring progress and the fear and avoidance hierarchy -- Psychoeducation : etiology and development of dysfunctional beliefs and information processing biases -- Cognitive restructuring : identifying automatic thoughts -- Cognitive restructuring : challenging automatic thoughts -- Exposure and cognitive restructuring : first exposure -- Exposure and cognitive restructuring : ongoing exposure -- Exposure and cognitive restructuring : conversation fears -- Exposure and cognitive restructuring : observational fears -- Exposure and cognitive restructuring : public speaking fears -- Advanced cognitive restructuring -- Termination