editors, Steven M. Kurtz, A. Seth Greenwald, William M. Mihalko, Jack E. Lemons
Post market surveillance: Prevalence of metal-on-metal bearings in the United States / S.M. Kurtz, K.L. Ong, E. Lau, A.S. Greenwald, and K. Bozic ; Metal-on-metal and other bearing trends among fellows of the AAOS / K.L. Urish, M. Amini, and W.M. Mihalko ; Risk of complications, revision, and cancer for metal-on-metal patients in the medicare population / K.L. Ong, E. Lau, and S.M. Kurtz --
، Total hip replacement -- Congresses
، Artificial hip joints -- Congresses
، Metals in surgery -- Congresses
AU Kurtz, Steven M. editor of compilation 1968-
AU Greenwald, A. Seth editor of compilation
AU Mihalko, William M. editor of compilation
AU Lemons, Jack E. editor of compilation
Symposium on Metal-On-Metal Total Hip Replacement Devices )2012: Phoenix, Ariz.(