Mauro L. Baranzini, Claudia Rotondi, Roberto Scazzieri
Machine generated contents note: Preface; Acknowledgments; Resources, producibility and economic dynamics: a framework Mauro L. Baranzini, Claudia Rotondi and Roberto Scazzieri; Part I. Resources and Distribution in a Structural Perspective: 1. On the origin of the theory of rent in economics Luigi L. Pasinetti; 2. The political economy of corn markets D'Maris Dalton Coffman; 3. The classical theory of rent Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori; 4. Profit, productive rent, and parasitic rent Piercarlo Nicola; Part II. Structural Dynamics: Resources and Multi-Sectoral Linkages: 5. Limits, resources, and distributional trade-offs: structural constraints and opportunities Albert E. Steenge; 6. Producible resources and producibility prices in a dynamic Leontief-Type model Carlo D'Adda; 7. The transformative potential of input-output economics for addressing critical resource challenges of the twenty-first century Faye Duchin; 8. Capital mobility and natural resources dynamics: a classical-Keynesian perspective Heinrich Bortis; 9. The chimera of a complete analysis of economic dynamics Kumaraswamy Vela Velupillai; 01. Ricardian and Schumpeterian rents: fundamental ingredients for structural economic dynamics Michael A. Landesmann; 11. Towards a structural political economy of resources Ivano Cardinale; Part III. Resources, Institutions and Social Structures: The Political Economy Approach: 21. Monetary analysis, financial innovation, and institutions before the industrial revolution: a paradigm case Lilia Costabile; 31. Institutions, resources, and economic growth in transition processes: the case of Russia Constanze Dobler and Harald Hagemann; 41. Institutions, resources and the common weal Alessandro Roncaglia; 51. Development, capabilities and institutions Stefano Zamagni; 61. Conquering scarcity: institutions, learning and creativity in the history of economic ideas Pier Luigi Porta; Part IV. Resources, Industrial Change and the Structure of the World Economy: 71. Resources, industrial transformation, and the structure of the world economy Moshe Syrquin; 81. Transformation and resources in the new geo-economy Marco Fortis; 91. Developmental state and structural economic dynamics: necessity of industrial structure Sunanda Sen; 02. Resources, institutional forms and structural transformation in the BRICKs: the 'Hybrid Model of Late Capitalism' Andrea Goldstein and Keun Lee; 12. On manufacturing development under resources constraints Antonio Andreoni; Part V. Towards a Political Economy of Resources and Structural Change: 22. Resources, scarcities and rents: technological interdependence and the dynamics of socio-economic structures Roberto Scazzieri, Mauro L. Baranzini and Claudia Rotondi; Index