Introduction to elasticity theory for crystal defects
Cambridge ; New York
Cambridge University Press
xviii, 440 p. : ill. ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]428[-433( and index
R. W. Balluffi
Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction; 2. Basic linear elasticity; 3. Methods; 4. Green's functions for unit point force; 5. Interactions between defects and stress; 6. Inclusions in infinite homogeneous regions; 7. Interactions between inclusions and imposed stresses; 8. Inclusions in finite homogeneous regions - image stresses; 9. Inhomogeneities; 01. Point defects in infinite homogeneous regions; 11. Interactions between point defects and stresses; 21. Dislocations in infinite homogeneous regions; 31. Interactions between dislocations and stresses; 41. Interfaces; 51. Interactions between interfaces and stresses; 61. Interactions between defects; Appendices; Index