Niloy Ganguly, Andreas Deutsch, Animesh Mukherjee, editors
From network structure to dynamics and back again: relating dynamical stability and connection topology in biological complex systems / Sitabhra Sinha -- Regulation of apoptosis via the NFkB pathway : modeling and analysis / Madalena Chaves, Thomas Eissing, and Frank Allg?wer -- Network-based models in molecular biology / Andreas Beyer -- Ecological networks : structure, interaction strength, and stability / Samit Bhattacharyya and Somdatta Sinha -- Signaling and feedback in biological networks / Sandeep Krishna, Mogens H. Jensen, and Kim Sneppen -- Topographic spreading analysis of an empirical sex workers' network / Johannes Bjelland, Geoffrey Canright, Kenth Eng?-Monsen, and Valencia P. Remple -- Spectral characterization of network structures and dynamics / Anirban Banerjee and Jیrgen Jost -- Dynamics of social complex networks : some insights into recent research / Sergi Lozano -- The structure and dynamics of llinguistic networks / Monojit Choudhury and Animesh Mukherjee -- Networks generated from natural language text / Chris Biemann and Uwe Quasthoff -- Efficiency of navigation in indexed networks / Petter Holme -- Evolution of Apache open source software / Haoran Wen, Raissa M. D'Souza, Zachary M. Saul, and Vladimir Filkov -- Some new applications of network growth models / Gourab Ghoshal -- The Big friendly giant : the giant component in clustered random graphs / Yakir Berchenko, Yael Artzy-randrup, Mina Teicher, and Lewi Stone -- Technological networks / Bivas Mitra -- Advances in the theory of complex networks / Fernando Peruani