"Revised from the original text, Practical meat inspection, by Andrew Wilson."
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]295[( and index
William G. Wilson
7th ed
Cells and tissues -- Systems of the body -- Skeletal system -- Muscular system -- Circulatory system -- Lymphatic system -- Respiratory system -- Digestive system -- Urogenital system -- Nervous system -- Endocrine system -- Slaughter and age/sex determination -- The slaughter of animals -- Sex characteristics and estimation of age -- Pathology and judgement in disease -- Abnormal and general pathological conditions -- Specific diseases -- Parasitic diseases -- Affections of specific parts and tumours -- Illegal meat -- Butchers' joints and meat products -- Butchers' joints -- Meat preservation and meat products -- Food poisoning from meat products -- Rabbits -- Diseases of rabbits -- Deer and venison -- Deer and venison -- Poultry -- Sex and age characteristics of poultry -- Anatomy of the fowl -- Slaughter and dressing of poultry -- Diseases of poultry -- Affections of specific parts of poultry -- Appendix 1: Legislation -- Appendix 2: Colloquial terms