Environmental engineering :designing a sustainable future
New York
Facts On File
xv, 213 p. : ill. )chiefly col.( ; 25 cm
Green technology
Includes bibliographical references )p. 194-203( and index
Anne Maczulak
Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1: New Directions In Civil Engineering -- History of environmental engineering -- Balancing resources and wastes -- Ecological design -- Case study: How do prairie dog tunnels work? -- Zero energy architecture -- Biomimicry -- Techniques used in engineering and design -- Abalone shell-designed for strength -- Conclusion -- 2: Designing Transit Systems -- Transport: Current status and future needs -- Urban transportation systems -- Personal vehicles -- Fuel efficiency -- Pedestrians and parking -- Commuter rails and buses -- Can bicycles make a difference? -- Air travel -- Roads -- Freight transport -- Case study: World's growing car culture -- Clean ships -- Alternatives to travel -- Conclusion -- 3: Innovations In Personal Vehicles -- New vehicles emerge -- Drag and energy loss -- Automobile industry -- Efficient vehicle design -- Aerodynamics -- Power -- Vehicle surface technology -- Case study: US interstate highways' effects on the environment -- Conclusion -- 4: Sustainable Manufacturing -- Today's manufacturing plants -- Wastes and emissions -- Heat energy -- Pollution control in manufacturing -- Zero discharge manufacturing -- Case study: Energy cost of making a car -- Sustainability and business -- Conclusion -- 5: Energy-Efficient Electronics -- Energy efficiency through the years -- Solar homes -- Smart appliances -- Lighting -- Case study: Learning from electric eels -- Home energy and heat storage -- Light -- Sensors and feedback -- Btu and the kilowatt -- Energy from nanotechnology -- Conclusion -- 6: Ecological Landscape Design -- Traditional landscape design -- Landscaping with nature -- Frank Lloyd Wright -- Ecological architecture -- Plants and trees -- Soil, water, and lawns -- Biodiversity gardens -- Rainwater harvesting -- Micro climates -- Walkways and driveways -- Case study: America's scenic byways -- Landscape design skills -- Conclusion -- 7: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment -- Energy-water connection -- Wastewater in developing countries -- Case study: Kufunda learning village, Zimbabwe -- Anaerobic digesters -- Gray water reuse -- Methane-cow power -- Ecological wastewater treatment -- Carbon adsorption -- Energy from wastewater -- Conclusion -- 8: Future Needs -- Appendixes -- Glossary -- Further resources -- Index