Symmetries and group theory in particle physics :an introduction to space-time and internal symmetries
Heidelberg ; New York
xiii, 291 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Lecture notes in physics ;v. 328
Includes bibliographical references )p. 281-285( and index
Giovanni Costa, Gianluigi Fogli
1. Introduction to lie groups and their representations -- 2. The rotation group -- 3. The homogeneous Lorentz group -- 4. The Poincarف transformations -- 5. One particle and two particle states -- 6. Discrete operations -- 7. Relativistic equations -- 8. Unitary symmetries -- 9. Gauge symmetries -- A. Rotation matrices and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients -- B. Symmetric group and identical particles -- C. Young tableaux and irreducible representations of the unitary groups