Learning in communities : interdisciplinary perspectives on human centered information technology
xiv, 266 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Human-computer interaction series,1751-5305
Papers from a workshop held at Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology, August 14-17, 2005
Includes bibliographical references and index
John M. Carroll, editor
Community inquiry and informatics : collaborative learning through ICT / Ann Peterson Bishop, Bertram C. Bruce, and M. Cameron Jones -- The participant-observer in community-based learning as community bard / John M. Carroll -- Learning in communities : a distributed intelligence perspective / Gerhard Fischer -- Spiders in the net : universities as facilitators of community-based learning / Gerhard Fischer, Markus Rohde, and Volker Wulf -- Designing technology for local citizen deliberation / Andrea Kavanaugh and Philip Isenhour -- Supporting the appropriation of ICT : end-user development in civil societies / Volkmar Pipek ... ]et al.[ -- Developmental learning communities / Mary Beth Rosson and John M. Carroll -- Social reproduction and its applicability for community informatics / Lynette Kvasny -- Communities, learning, and democracy in the digital age / Lynette Kvasny, Nancy Kranich, and Jorge Reina Schement -- Radical praxis and civic network design / Murali Venkatesh and Jeffrey S. Owens -- Local groups online : political learning and participation / Andrea Kavanaugh ... ]et al.[ -- Community-based learning : the core competency of residential, research-based universities / Gerhard Fischer, Markus Rohde, and Volker Wulf -- Sustaining a community computing infrastructure for online teacher professional development : a case study of designing tapped in / Umer Farooq ... ]et al.[ -- Expert recommender : designing for a network organization / Tim Reichling, Michael Veith, and Volker Wulf -- Patterns as a paradigm for theory in community-based learning / John M. Carroll and Umer Farooq -- Architecture, infrastructure, and broadband civic network design : an institutional view / Murali Venkatesh and Mawaki Chango -- Supporting community emergency management planning through a geocollaboration software architecture / Wendy A. Schafer, Craig H. Ganoe, and John M. Carroll