Sams teach yourself Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 in 24 hours
Indianapolis, Ind.
Sams Pub.
viii, 480 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
Includes index
Betsy Bruce, John Ray, Robyn Ness
A World Wide Web of Dreamweaver possibilities -- A tour of Dreamweaver -- Setting up a website -- Adding text and lists -- Making hyperlinks, anchors, and mailto links -- Displaying data in tables -- Looking under the hood : exploring HTML -- Displaying images -- Making web graphics in Fireworks CS5 -- Adding Flash and other multimedia to a web page -- Formatting web pages with cascading style sheets -- Using CS% for positioning -- Creating CS% for mobile devices and printing -- Using site assets, library items, and templates -- Designing for WordPress an content management systems -- Adding Spry menu bars for navigation -- Using dynamic HTML and AP Divs -- Adding interactivity with behaviors -- Using Spry, the widget browser and extensions -- Using the Dreamweaver HTML5 features -- Creating a form and collecting data -- Sending and reacting to form data -- Uploading, sharing, and managing web projects -- Maintaining a website