Corrosion, wear, fatigue, and reliability of ceramics : a collection of papers presented at the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008, Daytona Beach, Florida
Hoboken, N.J.
xii, 202 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Ceramic engineering and science proceedings ;v. 92, issue 3
"American Ceramic Society"
Includes bibliographical references and index
editors, Jonathan Salem, Edwin R. Fuller ; volume editors, Tatsuki Ohji, Andrew Wereszczak
Corrosion resistance of ceramics in vaporous and boiling sulfuric acid / C.A. Lewinsohn, H. Anderson, M. Wilson, T. Lillo, A. Johnson -- Thermocouple interactions during testing of melt infiltrated ceramic matrix composites / G. Ojard, G. Morscher, Y. Gowayed, U. Santhosh, J. Ahmad, R. Miller, R. John -- Oxidation resistance of pressureless-sintered SiC-AlN-Re?b2?sO?b3?s composites obtained without powder bed / G. Magnani, F. Antolini, L. Beaulardi, F. Burgio, C. Mingazzini -- Characterization of the re-oxidation behavior of anode-supported SOFCs / Manuel Ettler, Norbert H. Menzler, Hans Peter Buchkremer, Detlev St?ver -- Healing behavior of machining cracks in oxide-based composite containing SiC particles / Toshio Osada, Wataru Nakao, Koji Takahashi, Kotoji Ando -- Effects of oxidation on the mechanical properties of pressureless-sintered SiC-AlN-Y?b2?sO?b3?s composites obtained without powder bed / G. Magnani, L. Beaulardi, E. Trentini -- Fiber push out testing before and after exposure : results for an MI SiC/SiC composite / G. Ojard, L. Riester, R. Trejo, R. Annis, Y. Gowayed, G. Morscher, K. An, R. Miller, R. John -- New ceramics surface reinforcing treatment using a combination of crack-healing and electron beam irradiation / Wataru Nakao, Youhei Chiba, Kotoji Ando, Keisuke Iwata, Yoshitake Nishi -- Effect of Si?b3?sN?b4?s on the instability of Li?b2?sO-containing celsian in the BAS/Si?b3?sN?b4?s composites / Kuo-Tong Lee -- Rolling contact fatigue properties and fracture resistance for silicon nitride ceramics with various microstructures / Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Wataru Kanematsu, Hideki Hyuga, Yu-ichi Yoshizawa, Kiyoshi Hirao, Tatsuki Ohji -- Fretting fatigue of engineering ceramics / Thomas Schalk, Karl-Heinz Lang, Detlef L?he -- Investigation into cyclic frequency effects on fatigue behavior of an oxide/oxide composite / Shankar Mall, Joon-Mo Ahn -- Friction and wear behavior of AlBC composites / Ellen Dubensky, Robert Newman, Aleksander J. Pyzik, Amy Wetzel -- Creep of silicon nitride observed in situ with neutron diffraction / G.A. Swift -- Hydrothermal oxidation of silicon carbide and its bearing on wet wear mechanisms / K.G. Nickel, V. Presser, O. Krummhauer, A. Kailer, R. Wirth -- Probabilistic design optimization and reliability assessment of high temperature thermoelectric devices / O.M. Jadaan, A.A. Wereszczak -- Development of a new computational method for solving inhomogeneous and ultra large scale model / H. Serizawa, A. Kawahara, S. Itoh, H. Murakawa -- Optical methods for nondestructive evaluation of subsurface flaws in silicon nitride ceramics / J.G. Sun, Z.P. Liu, Z.J. Pei, N.S.L. Phillips, J.A. Jensen -- Fractographic analysis of miniature theta specimens / George D. Quinn
Congresses ، Ceramic materials - Corrosion
AU Salem, J. A.)Jonathan A.( 1960-
AU Fuller, Edwin R
AU Ohji, T.)Tatsuki(
AU Wereszczak, Andrew
CO American Ceramic Society
SE Ceramic engineering and science proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites)32nd : 2008 :Daytona Beach, Fla.(