Academic Scepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy
edited by Plinio Junqueira Smith, Siebastien Charles
Springer International Publishing
XXII, 386 p., online resource
International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idiٶes,0066-6610 ;
Series: 9783319454221 0International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire
1. The Philosophy of Francisco Sanches: Academic Scepticism and Conjectural Empiricism )Claudio Buccolini( -- 2. La riٶception des Acadiٶmiques dans les Essais : une maniiٶre voisine et inavouiٶe de faire usage du doute sceptique )Siٶbastien Prat( -- 3. La sagesse de Pierre Charron et le scepticisme acadiٶmique )Fernando Bahr( -- 4. La Mothe Le Vayer et lAcadiٶmie sceptique )Sylvia Giocanti( -- 5. Reading Scepticism Historically. Scepticism, Acatalepsia and the Fall of Adam in Francis Bacon )Silvia Manzo( -- 6. Academic Scepticism and the Early Royal Society )Benjamin D. Hill( -- 7. Nos in Diem Vivimus: Gassendis Probabilism and Academic Philosophy from Day to Day )Delphine Bellis( -- 8. The Modes of Descartes First Meditation )Richard Davies( -- 9. Confusing Faith and Reason? Malebranche and Scepticism )Julie Walsh( -- 10. Pascal sur le pyrrhonisme de Montaigne dans lEntretien avec M. de Sacy : doute pyrrhonien ou doute acadiٶmique? )Martine Piٶcharman( -- 11. Simon Fouchers Academic Scepticism: Between Truth and Probability )Joiٶl Boudreault( -- 12. Pierre-Daniel Huets Readings in Scepticism )Siٶbastien Charles( -- 13. The Implications of Bayles Qualified Academic Scepticism for Moral Knowledge )Kristen Irwin( -- 14. Disagreement and Academic Scepticism in Bayle )Michael W. Hickson( -- 15. Academic Scepticism and Pyrrhonian Scepticism in Humes Dialogues )Todd Ryan( -- 16. Humes Academic Scepticism in its French Context This book explores how far some leading philosophers, from Montaigne to Hume, used Academic Scepticism to build their own brand of scepticism or took it as its main sceptical target. The book offers a detailed view of the main modern key figures, including Sanches, Charron, La Mothe Le Vayer, Bacon, Gassendi, Descartes, Malebranche, Pascal, Foucher, Huet, and Bayle. In addition, it provides a comprehensive assessment of the role of Academic Scepticism in Early Modern philosophy and a complete survey of the period. As a whole, the book offers a basis for a new, balanced assessment of the role played by scepticism in both its forms. Since Richard Popkin's works, there has been considerable interest in the role played by Pyrrhonian Scepticism in Early Modern Philosophy. Comparatively, Academic Scepticism was much neglected by scholars, despite some scattered important contributions. Furthermore, a general assessment of the presence of Academic Scepticism in Early Modern Philosophy is lacking.