edited by Victor M. Loyola-Vargas, Neftalai Ochoa-Alejo
3rd ed.
New York
Springer ;Humana Press,
xiv, 430 p. : ill.
Methods in molecular biology,1064-3745 ;877
Springer protocols
Series: Methods in molecular biology )Clifton, N.J.( ;v. 877.1064-3745
Series: Springer protocols.
Introduction to plant cell culture : the future ahead /Victor M. Loyola-Vargas and Neftali Ochoa-Alejo --History of plant tissue culture /Trevor Thorpe --Callus, cuspension Culture, and Hairy Roots. Induction, maintenance and characterization /Rosa M. Galaz-Avalos ... ]et al.[ --Growth measurements : estimation of cell division and cell expansion /Gregorio Godoy-Hernandez and Felipe A. Vazquez-Flota --Measurement of cell viability /Lizbeth A. Castro-Concha, Rosa Maria Escobedo, and Maria de Lourdes Miranda-Ham --Pathogen and biological contamination management in plant tissue culture : phytopathogens, vitro pathogens, and vitro pests /Alan C. Cassells --Cryopreservation of embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration /Zhenfang Yin ... ]et al.[ --Study of in vitro development in plants : general approaches and photography /Edward C. Yeung --Use of statistics in plant biotechnology /Michael E. Compton --Tissue culture methods for the clonal propagation and genetic improvement of spanish red cedar )Cedrela odorata( /Yuri Pena-Ramirez ... ]et al.[ --Micropropagation of banana /Yldz Aka Kacar and Ben Faber --Liquid in vitro culture for the propagation of Arundo donax /Miguel Angel Herrera-Alamillo and Manuel L. Robert --Production of haploids and doubled haploids in maize /Vanessa Prigge and Albrecht E. Melchinger --Maize somatic embryogenesis : recent features to improve plant regeneration /Veronica Garrocho-Villegas, Maria Teresa de Jesus-Olivera, and Estela Sanchez Quintanar --Improved shoot regeneration from root explants using an abscisic acid-containing medium /Subramanian Paulraj and Edward C. Yeung --Cryopreservation of shoot tips and meristems : an overview of contemporary methodologies /Erica E. Benson and Keith Harding --Anther culture of chili pepper )Capsicum spp.( /Neftali Ochoa-Alejo --Production of interspecific hybrids in ornamental plants /Juntaro Kato and Masahiro Mii --Plant tissue culture of fast-growing trees for phytoremediation research /Jose Luis Couselo ... ]et al.[ --Removing heavy metals by in vitro cultures /Maria del Socorro Santos-Diaz and Maria del Carmen Barron-Cruz --Establishment of a sanguinarine-producing cell suspension culture of Argemone mexicana L )papaveraceae( : induction of alkaloid accumulation /Felipe A. Vazquez-Flota ... ]et al.[ --Epigenetics, the role of DNA methylation in tree development /Marcos Viejo ... ]et al.[ --Potential roles of microRNAs in molecular breeding /Qing Liu and Yue-Qin Chen --Determination of histone methylation in mono- and dicotyledonous plants /Geovanny I. Nic-Can and Clelia De la Pena --Basic procedures for epigenetic analysis in plant cell and tissue culture /Jose L. Rodriguez ... ]et al.[ --Plant tissue culture and molecular markers /Maria Tamayo-Ordonez ... ]et al.[ --Biolistic- and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocols for wheat /Cecilia Tamas-Nyitrai, Huw D. Jones, and Laszlo Tamas --Improved genetic transformation of cork oak )Quercus suber L.( /Ruben Alvarez-Fernandez and Ricardo-Javier Ordas --Organelle transformation /Anjanabha Bhattacharya ... ]et al.[ --Appendix AComponents of the culture media /Victor M. Loyola-Vargas --Appendix BPlant biotechnology and tissue culture resources in the internet /Victor M. Loyola-Vargas.