Protocols for micropropagation of selected economically-important horticultural plants
edited by Maurizio Lambardi, Elif Aylin Ozudogru, Shri Mohan Jain
New York
Humana Press,
xvi, 490 p. : ill.
Methods in molecular biology,1064-3745 ;11013
Springer protocols,1949-2448
Series: Methods in molecular biology )Clifton, N.J.( ;v. 11013.1064-3745
Series: Springer protocols.1949-2448
Micropropagation of pear )Pyrus sp.( /Barbara M. Reed ... ]et al.[ --In vitro propagation of jojoba /Berta E. Llorente and Nancy M. Apaostolo --In vitro propagation of olive )Olea europaea L.( by nodal segmentation of elongated shoots /Maurizio Lambardi, Elif Aylin Ozudogru, and Romano Roncasaglia --Micropropagation systems of feijoa )Acca sellowiana )O. Berg( burret( /Miguel Pedro Guerra ... ]et al.[ --Micropropagation of Vaccinium sp. by in vitro axillary shoot proliferation /Wojciech Litwinczuk --In vitro propagation of peanut )Arachis hypogaea L.( by shoot tip culture /Elif Aylin Ozudogru, Ergun Kaya, and Maurizio Lambardi --In vitro propagation of persimmon )Diospyros kaki Thunb.( /Edgardo Giordani, Mar Naval, and Carla Benelli --Micropropagation of Citrus spp. by organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis /Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanaa --Micropropagation of Prunus species relevant to cherry fruit production /Philippe Druart --Micropropagation of peach rootstocks and cultivars /Ildikao Balla and Lucienne Mansvelt --Micropropagation of Rubus and Ribes spp /Ewa Dziedzic and Joanna Jag▒a --Somatic embryogenesis for efficient micropropagation of guava )Psidium guajava L.( /Nasim Akhtar --Micropropagation of chokeberry by in vitro axillary shoot proliferation /Wojciech Litwianczuk --Micropropagation of Lavandula spp /Sandra Goncalves and Anabela Romano --In vitro propagation of Acacia mangium and A. mangium A. auriculiformis /Olivier Monteuuis, Antoine Galiana, and Doreen Goh --In vitro propagation of ash )Fraxinus excelsior L.( by somatic embryogenesis /Maurizio Capuana --Micropropagation of paradise tree )Melia azedarach( by in vitro culture of axillary buds /Luis A. Mroginski and Hebe Y. Rey --In Vitro Propagation of Hydrangea spp /Barbara Ruffoni, Ermanno Sacco, and Marco Savona --In vitro propagation of fraser photinia using Azospirillum-mediated root development /Berta E. Llorente and Ezequiel E. Larraburu --Micropropagation of Helleborus through axillary budding /Margherita Beruto, Serena Viglione, and Alessandro Bisignano --Micropropagation of Cordyline terminalis /Tui Ray, Prasenjit Saha, and Satyesh C. Roy --Micropropagation of african violet )Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl.( /Mukund Shukla ... ]et al.[ --Micropropagation of Iris sp /Sladana Jevremovic, Zoran Jeknic, and Angelina Subotic --Micropropagation of Gerbera )Gerbera jamesonii Bolus( /Ghani Minerva and Surinder Kumar --Micropropagation of onion )Allium cepa L.( from immature inflorescences /Pablo Marinangeli --In vitro propagation of cauliflower using curd microexplants /Martin Kieffer and Michael P. Fuller --Micropropagation of Asparagus by in vitro shoot culture /Nataesa eStajner --Micropropagation and cryopreservation of garlic )Allium sativum L.( /E.R. Joachim Keller and Angelika Senula --Micropropagation of globe artichoke )Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus( /Giovanni Iapichino --In vitro rejuvenation of woody species /Paul E. Read and Christina M. Bavougian --Encapsulation of in vitro- derived explants : an innovative tool for nurseries /Alvaro Standardi and Maurizio Micheli --Thermotherapy, chemotherapy, and meristem culture in banana /Ludivine Lassois ... ]et al.[ --Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of pineapple )Ananas comosus L., Merr.( /Minal Mhatre --Protocol for inducing flower color somaclonal variation in Torenia )Torenia fournieri Lind.( /Duong Tan Nhut ... ]et al.[ --Production of pathogen-free horticultural crops by cryotherapy of in vitro-grown shoot tips /Chaohong Feng ... ]et al.[.
Includes bibliographical references )some col.( and index.