Heavy metal bindings and their interactions with thiol peptides and other biological ligands in plant cells / Mashiro Inouhe ... ]et al.[ -- Heavy metal perception in a microscale environment : a model system using high doses of pollutants / Luis E. Hernaandez ... ]et al.[ -- Genetic and molecular aspects metal tolerance and hyperaccumulation / Elena Maestri and Marta Marmiroli -- Cadmium and copper stress induce a cellular oxidative challenge leading to damage versus signalling / Ann Cuypers ... ]et al.[ -- Insights into cadmium toxicity: reactive oxygen and nitrogen species function / Maraia C. Romero-Puertas ... ]et al.[ -- Exploring the plant response to cadmium exposure by transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic approaches : potentiality of high-throughput methods, promises of integrative biology / Florent Villiers ... ]et al.[.
Proteomics as a toolbox to study the metabolic adjustment of trees during exposure to metal trace elements / Kjell Sergeant, Jenny Renaut, and Jean-Franنcois Hausman -- Proteomics of plant hyperaccumulators / Giovanna Visioli and Nelson Marmiroli -- Heavy metal toxicity : oxidative stress parameters and DNA repair / Dinara Jaqueline Moura ... ]et al.[ -- Protein oxidative modifications / Liliana Beatriz Pena ... ]et al.[ -- Zn/Cd.Co/Pb Pb1s]b subscript[-ATPases in plants, physiological roles and biological interest / Nathalie Leonhardt ... ]et al.[ -- Interference of heavy metal toxicity with auxin physiology / Mudawi Elobeid and Andrea Polle.