Word parts -- Roots -- Prefixes -- Suffixes -- Syllables -- Homophones -- Learn the goof-proof rules -- Use mnemonics -- Sound words out -- Think about meaning -- Use flash cards -- Visit helpful spelling and vocabulary websites -- When to use IE and EI -- When to use IA and AI -- Overwhelming vowel combinations -- Doubling final consonants -- Sneaky silent consonants -- The hard and soft sides of the letter C -- "G" whiz! G can be soft or hard, too! -- Regular plurals, when to just add -s and when to add -es -- Pesky plurals -- The funky F--making words plural when they end in F or Fe -- When to drop a final E -- When to keep a final y, when to change it to I -- Adding endings to words that end with a C -- Apostrophes, the attraction of contractions -- Apostrophes, the politics of possessives -- Abbreviations -- Heavy-handed with hyphens -- Creating compound words, adding a word to a word -- Past tense -- Commonly confused words -- Mon Dieu! foreign language words buck all the rules! -- Learning legal terms -- Bumbling over business terms -- Tripping over technology terms -- Literary terms, not just for English 101!
English language^aOrthography and spelling--Problems, exercises, etc