part 1. The basic tools of chemistry: basic concepts of chemistry -- Let's review: the tools of quantitative chemistry -- Atoms, molecules, and ions -- Chemical reactions -- Stoichiometry: quantitative information about chemical reactions -- Principles of chemical reactivity: energy and chemical reactions -- Interchapter: The chemistry of fuels and energy resources -- part 2. The structure of atoms and molecules: the structure of atoms -- The structure of atoms and periodic trends -- Interchapter: Milestones in the development of chemistry and the modern view of atoms and molecules -- Bonding and molecular structure -- Bonding and molecular structure: orbital hybridization and molecular orbitals -- Carbon: not just another element -- Interchapter: The chemistry of life: biochemistry -- part 3. States of matter: Gases and their properties -- Intermolecular forces and liquids -- The chemistry of solids -- Solutions and their behavior -- Interchapter: The chemistry of modern materials -- part 4. The control of chemical reactions: Chemical kinetics: the rate of chemical reactions -- Principles of chemical reactivity: equilibria -- Principles of chemical reactivity: the chemistry of acids and bases -- Principles of chemical reactivity: other aspects of aqueous equilibria -- Principles of chemical reactivity: entropy and free energy -- Principles of chemical reactivity: electronic transfer reactions -- Interchapter: The chemistry of the environment -- part 5. The chemistry of the elements and their compounds: the chemistry of the main group elements -- The chemistry of the transition elements -- Nuclear chemistry -- APPENDICES