United Nations Publications. Sales no. 1956, IX.1.
Cover title: Peaceful uses of atomic energy
Includes bibliographies and index
v.1. The world's requirements for energy ; the role of nuclear power.- v.2. Physics ; research reactors.- v.3. Power reactors.- v.4. Cross sections important to reactor design.- v.5. Physics of reactor design.- v.6. Geology of Uranium and Thorium.- v.7. Nuclear chemistry and the effects of irradiation.- v.8. Production technology of the materials used for nuclear energy. v.9. Reactor technology and chemical processing.- v.01. Radioactive isotopes and nuclear radiations in medicine.- v.11. Biological effects of radiation.- v.21. Radioactiv isotopes and ionizing radiations in agriculture, physiology, biochemistry.- v.31. Legal, administrative health and safety aspects of large-scale use of nuclear energy.- v.41. General aspects of the use of radioactive isotop dosimetry.- v.51. Applications of radioactive isotopes and fission production in research and industry.- v.61. Record of the conference.- v.71. Index
Congresses ، Nuclear energy
Congresses ، Nuclear physics
Congresses ، Nuclear engineering
TI Peaceful uses of atomic energy
International Conference on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy )1st. : 1955 : Geneva(