Compendium of the properties of diverse plants and various kinds of simple drugs: Kitab al - Jami Li - Sifat ashtat al - nabat wa - Durub Anwa al - Mufradat
/ Al - Idrisi Abu Abdallah Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Abdallah b. Idris
؛ edited by Fuat Sezgin in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Eckhard Neubauer
: Institute for the History of Arabic - Islamic Science at the Johann wolfgang Goethe University
, 1995 = 1374.
ج ۳
(Series C, Facsimile editions: V. 58.1, 58.2, 58.3)
Compendium of the properties of diverse plants and various kinds of simple drugs: Kitab al - Jami Li - Sifat ashtat al - nabat wa - Durub Anwa al - Mufradat