edited, with an introduction by Irwin Edman ... ]et al.[
v.1. The philosophy of schopenhauer. -- v.2. Avicenna. His Life and works -- v.3. The philosophy of Hume -- v.4. The philosophy and theology of averroes -- v.5. Jeremy Bentham -- v.6. Sartre. his philosophy and psychoanalysis -- v.7. S T. Thomas aquinas and medieval philosophy -- v.8. Bertrand Russell and the passionate skeptic -- v.9. The death of socrates -- v.01 John Stuart Mill a study of his philosophy -- v.11. The Philosophy of Plato -- v.21 The principles of Descartes' philosophy -- v.31 The Conduct of Life the ethics of confucius -- v.41. Selections from the writings of kierkegaard -- v.51. What is living and what is dead of the philosophy of HEGEl