Hunt for paradise: court arts Safavid Iran, 1501-1576
Milan: Skira; New York
Distributed by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. through St. Martin's Press
340p.: ill. )some col.(, col. map
Includes bibliographical references
"Published on the ocasion of the exhibiton "Hunt for Paradies: Court Arts of Iran, 1501-1576", curated by Sheila R. Canby and organized by the Asia Society Museum, New York, and the Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan." -- verso of the t.p.
edited by Jon Thompson and Sheila R. Canby.
، Tahmasp I, Shah of Iran, 4151-6751
Exhibitions ، Architecture, Safavid
، Art, Safavid
، Art, Iranian
Exhibitions ، Illumination of books and manuscripts, Safavid