"This publication, Geotechnics of High Water Content Materials, contains papers presented at the symposium of the same name held in Memphis, Tennessee, on 28-29 January 1999. Thy symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rock and the D18.18 Subcommittee on Peats and Organic Soils"
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Tuncer B. Edil and Patrick J. Fox, editors
Congresses ، Soil mechanics
Congresses ، Soil moisture
Congresses ، Soil-structure interaction
AU Edil, Tuncer B.
AU Fox, Patrick Joseph 1962- .
CO ASTM Committee D-81 on Soil and Rock
CO ASTM Subcommittee D81.81 on Peats and Organic Soils
CO Geotechnics of High Water Content Materials )9991: Memphis, Tenn.(