Differential and combinatorial topology; a symposium in honer of Marston Morse
Princeton, N. J
Printceton University Press
vi, 265p.:ill
Princeton mathematical serdies; 72
"The symposium.. was held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N. J
Includes bibliographies
Stewart. S. Carins, general editor
CONTENTS.- Foreword, by, S. S. Carins.- On the smoothings of trianagulated and combinatorial manifords, by N. H. Kuiper.-On the action of )O( by W. Broeder.-Critical submanifords of the classical groups and Stifel manifolds, by T. Frankel.-Remarks concerning spin manifolds, by J. W. Milnor.-Diffeomorphisms with many periodic points by S. Smale.-Bowls of a non-degenerate function on a compact differentiable manifold by M. Morse .-On higher dimen sional Knots, by M. A. Kervaire .-On the groups J)X( by J. F. Adams.-Morse theory, by B. Mazur.-The index theorem for homogeneous differential operators, by. R. Bott.-Minimal surfaces in an Euclindean space of N dimensions, by S.S Chern.-On homotopy spheres of low dimension, by. M. W. Hrisch. Local properties of analytic varieties, by, H. Whitney.-On infinite processes leading to differentiability in the complement of a point, byJ. R. Stallings.-SurIhomologie des varietes algebriques reeles , by, R. Thom