]by[ Graham B.Blaine, Jr. ]and[ Charles C.McArthur. Introd. by Erik H.Erikson
2nd ed.
Contents.-The role of the college psychiatrist, by D.L.Farnsworth and P.K.Munter.-Faculy counseling and referral, by W.Dalrymple.-The role of the psychologist in a college gealth service, by C.C.McArthur and K.T.Dinklage.-Distinguishing patterns of student neuroses,by C.C.McArthur.- Acute psychlsis, depression, and elation )revised version(,by G.P.Coon.-Basic character disorders and homosexuality, by G.B. Blaine,Jr.and C.C.McArthur.-Suicide, by W.D.Temby.-Student apathy, by P.A.Walters, Jr.-Drugs and adolescence: use and abuse, by P.A.Walters, Jr.-Problems connected with studying, by G.B.Blaine, Jr.and C.C.McArthur.-Inability to learn a foreign language, by K.T.Dinklage.-The text is the advesary, by R.C.Hodgins.-The return of the college dropout, by D.Sorenson.-The movement, by C.C.McArthur.-Emotional disturbances among college women, by C.A.L.Binger.-Special problems of graduate students in the School of Arts and Science, by R.L.Nelson.-Special problems encountered at the Graduate School of Business Administration, by H.H.Babcock.-Psychiatric problems of medical students, by S.A.Bojar.-Therapy, by G.B.Blaine, Jr.