Optimization in planning and operation of electric power systems: lecture notes of the SVOR/ASRO tutuorial, Thun, Switzerland, October 14-16, 1992
Heidelberg, Germany
x, 365p. : ill
Summary: An emerging subject of importance is optimization Which has been the challenging principal theme of a tutorial on Optimization in Planning and Operation of Electric Power Systems held in Thun )Switzerland( in October 1992. This tutorial was organized by the Swiss Association of Operations Research )SVOR( in collaboration with the Power Engineering Society )PES( as member of the Swiss Institute of Electrical Engineers )SEV(.- Prefave
Includes bibliographical references
Karl Frauendorfer, Hans Glavitsch, Rainer Bacher, ]eds.[
Management - Mathematics - Congresses ، Electric utilities
Control - Mathematics - Congresses ، Electric power systems