Vol.1, "first published September 1912; reprinted July 1914 and December 1919."
Vol.2, "first printed, 1913; reprinted, 1917."
with an English translation, by Kisopp Lake...
Contents.- I. I.Clement. II. Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. Didache. Barnabas.- II. The Shepher of Hermas. The Martydom of Polycarp. The Epistle to Diognetus
Childern literature, Early )Collections(
CO Clemens Romanus Epistola ad Corinthios. I.
AU Clemens Romanus, Supposed author. Epistola ad Corinthios. II.
AU Ignatius, Saint, bp. of Antloch, 1st cent. Epistolae
AU Polycarpus, Saint, bp. of Smyrna. Epistola ad Phillippeness
CO Teaching of the twelve apostles
CO Teaching of the twelve apostles. English
CO Bible. N.T. Apocryphal books Epistle of Barnabas