Cover title: Fluid machinery for the oile, Petrochemical and related industries
Includes bibliographies
sponsored by the Power Industries and the Process Industries Divisions of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, co-sponsored by the Division of Mechanical and Naval Architecture of the Royal Dutch Institution of Engineers. The Hague, the Netherlands, 62-82, March, 4891
Fluid power technology - Congresses
Fluid mechanics - Congresses
AU Institution, of Mechanical engineers. Power Industries Division
CO Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Process Industries Division
CO Royal Dutch Institution of Engineers. Mechanical and Naval Architecture Division
SE Institution of Mechanical Engineers Conference publications-Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1984-2
TI Fluid power machinery for the oil, petrochemical and related industries
European Congress on Fluid Machinery for the Oil, Petrochemical and related industries )2nd. Netherlands, 1984.(