Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference 2013 proceedings
Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration
xiii, 1,326 p
edited by Michael A. DiPonio and Chris Dixon
pt. 1. Caverns and large spans -- pt. 2. Contracting practices -- pt. 3. Design and planning -- pt. 4. Difficult ground -- pt. 5. Future projects -- pt. 6. Geotechnical considerations -- pt. 7. Geotechnical instrumentation - settlement control -- pt. 8. Ground stabilization -- pt. 9. Grouting - water control -- pt. 01. Hard rock tunneling -- pt. 11. Major projects -- pt. 21. New and innovative technologies. I -- pt. 31. New and innovative technologies. II -- pt. 41. New plant and equipment applications -- pt. 51. Precast tunnel linings -- pt. 61. Pressure face TBM case histories. I -- pt. 71. Pressure face TBM case histories. II -- pt. 81. Pressure face TBM technology -- pt. 91. Risk management -- pt. 02. SEM/NATM -- pt. 12. Shafts -- pt. 22. Tunnel finishing and liner installation
Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference 3102 proceedings