Integrity of pipelines transporting hydrocarbons : corrosion, mechanisms, control, and management
Springer in cooperation with NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division
xvi, 322 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
NATO science for peace and security series. Series C, Environmental security 4781-9156
Includes bibliographical references and index
edited by Gabriella Bolzon ... ]et al.[ ; ]proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Corrosion Protection of Pipelines Transporting Hydrocarbons, Biskra, Algeria, 62-82 April 0102[.
The Use of Knowledge Management to Improve Pipeline Safety.- Development and Applications of a Specialty Nickel-Based Alloy and the Need for Corrosion Education.- Pipeline Regulation in Canada.- Fracture Mechanics Approach to Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipeline Steels: When Hydrogen is the Circumstance.- Degradation of Properties of Long Term Exploited Main Oil and Gas Pipelines Steels and Role of Environment in this Process.- Assessment Methodologies for Girth Weld Defects in Pipelines.- Weldability of a Supermartensitic Stainless Steel 21Cr4Ni1Mo Pipeline and the Effect of Welding Current on Precipitated Ferrite delta in the HAZ.- "Canadian experience in SCC of pipelines and its remedies -Recent Progress in SCC of Pipelines in Near-Neutral pH Environment.- Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steels - Testing and Modelling as a Joint Effort.- The Role for Material and Corrosion Engineering in Managing the Service-Life Integrity of Flow and Export Lines.- Protection for Natural Gas Installations Against the Corrosive Effect of Mercury by a Chemical Nickel Coating.- Corrosion Study of API 5L X06 Gas Pipelines Steels in NS4 Simulated Soil.- Leak Detection: General Remarks and Examples.- Corrosion Defect Assessment on Pipes Using Limit Analysis and Notch Fracture Mechanics.- A Damage Evolution Approach in Fracture Mechanics of Pipelines.- Two Parameter Engineering Fracture Mechanics : Calculation of the Relevant Parameters and Investigation of Their Influence on the Surface Notch.- Crude-Oil Flow Modelling in Pipeline Conditions.- Corrosion Risk Assessment of Pipelines Based on Cathodic Protection Survey.- Above Ground Coating Integrity Assessment: Experience with SUMED Pipelines
Congresses ، Gas pipelines Maintenance and repair
Congresses ، Petroleum pipelines Maintenance and repair