Includes bibliographical references )pages 277-288( and index
Media, ideology, and politics. Zizek's reception: fifty shades of gray ideology / Paul A. Taylor -- The sublime absolute: Althusser, Zizek, and the critique of ideology / Agon Hamza -- Student fantasies: a Zizekian perspective on the 2102 Quebec Student Uprising/ Louis-Paul Willis -- The objective: the configuration of trauma in the "War on terror", or the sublime object of the medium / Richard Begin -- Popular culture. The priority of the example: Hegel contra film studies / Todd McGowan -- Imagining the end times: ideology, the contemporary disaster movie and contagion / Matthew Beaumont -- Zizek and the 08s movie song: there is a non-relationship / Graham Wolfe -- A little piece of the reel: prosthetic vocality and the obscene surplus of record production / Mickey Vallee -- White elephants and dark matter)s(: watching the World Cup with Slavoj Zizek / Tim Walters -- Film and cinema. Contingent encounters and retroactive signification: zooming in on the dialectical core of Zizek's film criticism / Fabio Vighi -- How to kill your mother: heavenly creatures, desire, and Zizek's return to ideology / Cindy Zeiher -- Dialogue with American scepticism: Cavell and Zizek on sexual difference / Keiko Ogata -- From interpassive to interactive cinema: a genealogy of the moving image of cynicism / Tamasamas Nagypal -- Beyond the beyond: cgi and the anxiety of overperfection / Hugh Manon -- Social media and the internet. Slavoj Zizek as internet philosopher / Clint Burnham -- The real internet / Jodi Dean -- Enjoying social media / Matthew Flisfeder -- Is torture part of your social network / Tara Atluri