America's war on sex :the attack on law, lust and liberty
Westport, Conn.
xvi, 212 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Sex, love, and psychology,4551-222X
Includes bibliographical references)p. ]181[-]199[( and index
You're the target : why a war on sex? -- Battleground : sex education : where children come second -- The most powerful "minority" in the United States -- Battleground : reproductive rights -- The sexual disaster industry -- Battleground : broadcast "indecency" -- Yes, they really said that -- Battleground : adult entertainment : feverish dreams, real estate nightmares -- How they do it : ammunition in the war on sex -- Battleground : the Internet -- America does not guarantee your right to be comfortable : the lowest common erotic denominator project -- Battleground : the war on "pornography" -- Extreme religion and public policy -- Battleground : sexual privacy and sexual minorities : civil rights or immoral privileges? -- Revolutionizing American government : bad news for democracy
History ، Sex - United States - 02th century
History ، Sexual ethics - United States - 02th century
History ، Sex and law - United States - 02th century