UWB and mmWaves Communication Techniques and Systems for Healthcare -- A Low Power Interference Robust IR-UWB Transceiver SoC for WBAN Applications -- UWB for Around-the-Body Data Streaming -- System-on-a-Chip UWB Radar Sensor for Contactless Respiratory Monitoring: Technology and Applications -- Ultra Wideband Imaging Systems for Breast Cancer Detection -- Implementation of Ultra-Wideband )UWB( Sensor Nodes for WBAN applications -- Medium Access Control )MAC( Protocols for Ultra-Wideband )UWB( based Wireless Body Area Networks )WBAN( -- Antenna Diversity Techniques for Enhanced Ultra Wideband Body-Centric Wireless Networks in Healthcare -- System-on-a-Chip Radio Transceivers for 06-GHz Wireless Body-Centric Communications -- ow-Power 06GHz CMOS Radios for Miniature Wireless Sensor Network Applications -- 06-GHz LTCC Antenna Arrays -- Frequency domain breast lesion classification using ultra-wideband lesion response
، Wireless communication systems in medical care
، Ultra-wideband devices
، Biomedical engineering
، Medicine & Public Health
، Imaging / Radiology
، Biomedical Engineering
، Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering
Mehmet R. Yuce, editor
AU tisaR temheM ,ecuY editor of compilation 1976-,