Fundamentals of Special Relativity. Introduction ; The Principle of Relativity ; Groups the Galilei group ; Galileian law of addition of velocities ; The lesson from electromagnetism ; The postulates of Special Relativity ; Consequences of the postulates ; Conclusion ; Problems -- The Lorentz transformation. Introduction ; The Lorentz transformation ; Derivation of the Lorentz transformation ; Mathematical properties of the Lorentz transformation ; Absolute speed limit and causality ; Length contraction from the Lorentz transformation ; Time dilation from the Lorentz transformation ; Transformation of velocities and accelerations in Special Relativity ; Matrix representation of the Lorentz transformation ; The Lorentz group ; The Lorentz transformation as a rotation by an imaginary angle with imaginary time ; The GPS system ; Conclusion ; Problems -- The 4-dimensional world view. Introduction ; The 4-dimensional world ; Spacetime diagrams ; Conclusion ; Problems -- The formalism of tensors. Introduction ; Vectors and tensors ; Contravariant and covariant vectors ; Contravariant and covariant tensors ; Tensor algebra ; Tensor fields ; Index-free description of tensors ; The metric tensor ; The Levi-Civita symbol and tensor densities ; Conclusion ; Problems -- Tensors in Minkowski spacetime. Introduction ; Vectors and tensors in Minkowski spacetime ; The Minkowski metric ; Scalar product and length of a vector in Minkowski spacetime ; Raising and lowering tensor indices ; Causal nature of 4-vectors ; Hypersurfaces ; Gauss theorem ; Conclusion ; Problems -- Relativistic mechanics. Introduction ; Relativistic dynamics of massive particles ; The relativistic force ; Angular momentum of a particle ; Particle systems ; Conservation of mass-energy ; Conclusion ; Problems -- Relativistic optics. Introduction ; Relativistic optics: null rays ; The drag effect ; The Doppler effect ; Aberration ; Relativistic beaming ; Visual appearance of extended objects ; Conclusion ; Problems -- Measurements in Minkowski spacetime. Introduction ; Energy of a particle measured by an observer ; Frequency measured by an observer ; A more systematic treatment of measurement ; The 3+1 splitting ; Conclusion ; Problems -- Matter in Minkowski spacetime. Introduction ; The energy-momentum tensor ; Covariant conservation ; Energy conditions ; Angular momentum ; Perfect fluids ; The scalar field ; The electromagnetic field ; Conclusion ; Problems -- Special Relativity in arbitrary coordinates. Introduction ; The covariant derivative ; Spacetime curves and covariant derivative ; Physics in Minkowski spacetime revisited ; Conclusions ; Problems -- Solutions to selected problems -- References -- Index
، Special relativity )Physics(
، Physics
، Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory
، Mathematical Applications in the Physical Sciences