I Introduction -- From Physiology, Genomes, Systems and Self-Organization to Systems Biology: The Historical Roots of a 12st Century Approach to Complexity -- Systems Biology of Networks: The Riddle and the Challenge -- II Systems Biology of Signaling Networks -- Micrornas and Robustness In Biological Regulatory Networks. A Generic Approach with Applications at Different Levels: Physiologic, Metabolic And Genetic -- Dynamics of Mitochondrial Redox and Energy Networks: Insights from an Experimental-Computational Synergy -- Adenylate Kinase Isoform Network: A Major Hub in Cell Energetics and Metabolic Signaling -- The Control Analysis of Signal Transduction -- III Systems Biology of Cellular Structures and Fluxes -- Moonlighting Function of the Tubulin Cytoskeleton -- Metabolic Dissipative Structures -- Systems Biology Approaches to Cancer Energy Metabolism -- IV Systems Biology of Organ Function -- Network Dynamics in Cardiac Electrophysiology -- Systems Level Regulation of Energy Fluxes via Metabolic Cycles. Role of Creatine and Phosphotransfer Pathways -- V Systems Biology of Microorganisms -- Temporal Partitioning of the Yeast Cellular Network -- Systems Biology and Metabolic Engineering in Bacteria
، Systems biology
edited by Miguel A. Aon, Valdur Saks, Uwe Schlattner
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