About the author -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Chapter 1. Introduction. 1.1. The breakdown of the knowledge monopoly ; 1.2. The need for a new coaching concept ; 1.3. What is coaching? ; 1.4. The goal and structure of the book -- Chapter 2. The origins and development of coaching ; 2.1. Societal legitimacy: coaching as an answer to late- and post-modern challenges ; 2.2. Coaching, identity and self-constructions: the self is at stake in the coaching dialogue ; 2.3. Coaching and learning between personal experience and collaboration ; 2.4. Coaching in the perspective of organization and management theory ; 2.5. Closing remarks -- Chapter 3. Intervention theories in coaching and coaching psychology. 3.1. Coaching as a special dialogue form ; 3.2. Basic intentions in the coaching conversation ; 3.3. The coach's basic stance ; 3.4. Basic theories and their role in coaching ; 3.5. Additional theories ; 3.6. Closing remarks -- Chapter 4. Narrative collaborative coaching theory and practice. 4.1. Why coaching as a narrative collaborative practice? ; 4.2. Epistemological basis bridging the gap between phenomenology and social constructionism ; 4.3. Narrative collaborative practice in coaching ; 4.4. Closing remarks -- Chapter 5. Case studies and effect studies of coaching as a narrative collaborative practice. 5.1. Case studies of my own practice ; 5.2. Perceived effect a narrative analysis ; 5.3. Statistical effect social recovery and well-being as the main outcomes ; 5.4. Conclusion in relation to the research project ; 5.5. Closing remarks -- Chapter 6. Professional practice between research, knowledge and reflection. 6.1. Evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence ; 6.2. The knowledge base of coaching practice ; 6.3. Developing knowledge, practice and profession ; 6.4. Knowledge between fact and intuition -- Chapter 7. Reflective practice among coaching experts. 7.1. Peter ; 7.2. Steven ; 7.3. Kathrine ; 7.4. Martha ; 7.5. Reflections on practitioner reflections ; 7.6. Afterthoughts -- Chapter 8. In conclusion -- References -- Index
Tredje generations coaching.
، Counseling
، Counseling psychology
، Personal coaching
، Counseling
Reinhard Stelter ; ]translated by Dorte H. Silver[