Six arguments for a greener diet how a more plant-based diet could save your health and the environment
Washington, DC
Center for Science in the Public Interest
xiv, 234 p. , col. ill. , 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface : Greener diets for a healthier world -- The context : The fatted steer -- The arguments : 1. Less chronic disease and better overall health -- 2. Less foodborne illness -- 3. Better soil -- 4. More and cleaner water -- 5. Cleaner air -- 6. Less animal suffering -- Making change : Changing your own diet ; Changing government policies -- Appendix A. A bestiary of foodborne pathogens -- Appendix B. Eating green internet resources.
، Vegetarianism , Nutritional aspects
، Vegetarianism , Health aspects
، Food habits
، Diet , Environmental aspects
، Meat industry and trade , Environmental aspects
]Michael F. Jacobson and the staff of the Center for Science in the Public Interest