v. 1. Environmental degradation and institutional responses. Perspectives on environmental economics ; Geophysical and geochemical aspects of environmental degradation / Bert Bolin ; Ecosystem dynamics / Simon A. Levin and Stephen W. Pacala ; Property rights, public goods and the environment / David A. Starrett ; Economics of common property management regimes / Jean-Marie Baland and Jean-Philippe Platteau ; Population, poverty and the natural environment / Partha Dasgupta ; The theory of pollution policy / Gloria E. Helfand, Peter Berck and Tim Maull ; Mechanism design for the environment / Sandeep Baliga and Eric Maskin ; The political economy of environmental policy / Wallace E. Oates and Paul R. Portney ; Experience with market-based environmental policy instruments / Robert N. Stavins ; Experimental evaluations of policy instruments ; Technological change and the environment / Adam B. Jaffe, Richard G. Newell and Robert N. Stavins --
، Environmental economics
، Environmental degradation
، Environmental policy
edited by Karl-Gغoran Mغaler and Jeffrey R. Vincent