Includes bibliographical references )p. ]405[-419( and index.
1. What are Innovation, Creativity and Design? -- 2. Innovation = Creativity and Commercialization -- 3. Structured Processes for Developing New Products -- 4. A Note on Globalization -- 5. Innovation and Branding for the Web -- 6. Strategy - Emergent or Planned, and Other Issues -- 7. Branding and Innovation -- 8. The Value of Market Research -- 9. Approaches to Market Research -- 01. A Note on Teams -- 11. Collaboration - Innovation in Manufacturing -- 21. The Role of Prototypes -- 31. Collaborating for Innovation -- 41. Innovation and Industry Context -- 51. The Effects of Industry and Cultural Context -- 61. Informal Networks and the Management of Knowledge -- 71. Innovation for the Environment -- 81. Green Design - Clean Environment or Clean Conscience? -- 91. A Note on Intellectual Property Rights )IPR( -- 02. Innovation in Large Organizations -- 12. How to Infuse Innovation? -- 22. Venturing Beyond Company Boundaries -- 32. Innovation in Financial Services -- 42. Innovation in the Service Industry -- 52. Definitions of Success and Failure: Measuring for Innovation -- 62. Building for Innovation -- 72. Company Culture and Architecture -- 82. Outsourcing - Designers In or Out? -- 92. Putting All the Pieces into Place -- 03. The Innovative Organization -- App. I. How to Use the Case Studies -- App. II. Categories of Design.