Innovation and diffusion of software technology mapping strategies
xiv, 470 p. , ill. , 25 cm.
Bibliogr.: p. ]453[-459.
1st ed.
Findings from six case studies suggest that the advanced research framework provides a strong systematic platform for analyzing and interpreting decisionmaking with deep prospective, introspective, retrospective, and with imaginatively unbounded current and future perspectives. Individual case-study and cross-case findings are incorporated into a set of new and revised theory propositions for software application developer structuration at individual, firm )including multi-firm( and industry levels. The propositions provide a base of knowledge for the further development of a cognitive view of a software application development firm."--RouAشsumouAش de l'ouAشditeur.
، Commerce ouAشlectronique
، Logiciels d'application , DouAشveloppement
، Commerce ouAشlectronique , Cas, Etudes de
، Logiciels d'application , DouAشveloppement , Cas, Etudes de