Defending the brand aggressive strategies for protecting your brand in the online arena
New York
American Management Association
xvi, 268 p. , ill. , 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]249[-258( and index.
Digital brand abuse -- The dark side -- Objectionable content -- Pornography -- Adult entertainment -- Child pornography -- Hate, violence, and extremism -- Gambling -- Parody -- Defining "objectionable" -- Who's at risk? -- What to do -- The business case -- The board room summary -- The opportunities and threats of online commentary -- The rumor mill -- Financial earnings -- Early warning -- Information security -- Other security and liability threats -- The world's largest focus group -- Activism and "sucks" sites -- Nobody is immune -- Managing risk -- Buried treasure -- The business case -- The board room summary -- Customer diversion -- Customer capture -- Cybersquatting -- Typo-piracy -- Domain name administration -- Arbitration -- Search engine manipulation -- Invisible seeding -- Visible seeding -- Spoofing -- Managing seeding and spoofing issues -- Paid placement -- Adware -- Mislabeled links -- Unsolicited e-mail -- Keeping the customer -- Bringing the customer back -- The motive -- Scope of the problem -- The future -- The business case -- The board room summary -- Online partners and distribution issues -- Managing partner compliance -- The customer experience -- Changing dynamics -- Online partners -- Affiliates -- Suppliers -- Distributors -- Third parties -- Monitoring partners -- Step 1: Prioritization -- Step 2: Brand management -- Step 3: Enforcement -- The business case -- The board room summary -- Counterfeits and gray markets -- Gray markets -- Combating gray market activity -- Counterfeiting -- Copier supplies -- Pharmaceuticals -- Online monitoring -- Criteria that may signal a suspect distributor -- Testing authenticity -- The business case -- The board room summary -- Defending against digital piracy -- Music -- Sales leads -- Video -- Cease and desist -- Customer convenience -- Copy protection and digital rights management -- Software -- Text and images -- E-books -- The Stephen King experiment -- News services -- Criteria for identifying licensing revenue opportunities -- Market data -- The business case -- The board room summary -- Trust -- The costs of compromised privacy and security -- Information collection technologies -- Cookies -- Web beacons -- Information security -- Customer information collection -- Customer information storage -- Corporate identity theft -- Managing privacy and security -- The business case -- The board room summary -- Competitive intelligence -- Using online competitive intelligence to outmaneuver competitor brands -- The internet as a competitive intelligence source -- Brand presence -- Brand reach -- Competitor brand abuse -- Competitor absence -- Linking relationships -- Partnerships -- Recruiting competitor partners -- Online commentary -- Collecting the data -- Counterintelligence -- Actionable information -- The business case -- The board room summary.