Cycles, growth and structural change theories and empirical evidence
London ;New York
xxiv, 381 p. , ill. , 24 cm.
"Most chapters are revised versions of papers read at the International Summer School ... held in Siena in July 1998. Some chapers have been added ... "--p. ]xv[.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine generated contents note: PART I -- Facts and interpretations of growth and fluctuations 1 -- 1 Economic cycles since 0781 3 -- SOLOMOS SOLOMOU -- 2 Growth and fluctuations: the post-war Japanese experience 72 --HIROSHI YOSHIKAWA -- 3 Productivity-investment fluctuations and structural change 74 -- BERNHARD BOHM AND LIONELLO F. PUNZO --PART II -- The macroeconomy and its dynamics 39 -- 4 Qualitative dynamics and macroeconomic evolution in the very long run 59 -- RICHARD H. DAY AND OLEG V. PAVLOV -- 5 Out-of-equilibrium dynamics 511 -- MARIO AMENDOLA AND JEAN-LUC GAFFARD -- 6 Disequilibrium growth in monetary economies: basic components and the KMG working model 821 -- PETER FLASCHEL -- 7 Schumpeterian dynamics: a disequilibrium theory of long run profits 961 -- KATSUHITO IWAI --PART III -- Dynamics by interaction 102 -- 8 Asymmetrical cycles and equilibrium selection in finitary evolutionary economic models 302 -- MASANAO AOKI -- 9 The instability of markets 912 -- TAD HOGG, BERNARDO A. HUBERMAN AND MICHAEL YOUSSEFMIR -- 01 Heterogeneity, aggregation and capital market imperfection 922 -- DOMENICO DELLI GATTI AND MAURO GALLEGATI 11 -- Toward the microeconomics of innovation: growth engine of market economies 662 -- WILLIAM J. BAUMOL --PART IV -- Challenges for quantitative methodologies 182 -- 21 Business cycle research: methods and problems 382 -- EDWARD C. PRESCOTT -- 31 Complexity-based methods in cycles and growth: -- any potential value-added? 103 -- WILLIAM A. BROCK -- 41 Information, complexity and the MDL principle 933 -- JORMA RISSANEN -- 51 The 'exogenous' in 'endogenous' growth theory 153 -- FRANK HAHN --Index 763.