Agricultural policy and trade reform potential effects at global, national and household levels
159 p. , ill. , 27 cm.
"The study was carried out by the OECD Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The principal authors are Joe Dewbre and Jonathan Brooks" - p. 3.
This report attempts to quantify the likely distributional consequences of a widespread and simultaneous reduction in trade protection and agricultural domestic support. The first part of the analysis examines the implications for global commodity markets, for national economic welfare, and for sectoral terms of trade for an extensive list of individual countries and regions. The second part of the study tracks these aggregate impacts down to the household levels for five case study countries: Brazil, Italy, Malawi, Mexico and the United States, considering the implications for net household incomes in each case.
، Agriculture and state
، Free trade
، International trade
، Agriculture , Economic aspects
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