Lucretius; translated by Rolf Humphries.The discourses of Epictetus/ ]translated by George Long[. The meditations of Marcus Auretius/ ]translated by George Lang[. The six Enneads/ plotinus; ]translated by Stephen MacKenna and B.S.Page[
AU hsilgnE .arutan murer eD .sutiT ,suraC suitercuL
CO Epictetus.The Discourses of Epictetus
AU snoitatideM .081-121 ,emoR fo rorepmE ,suileruA sucraM
CO Plotinus.The six Enneads
AU era sgniht yaw ehT .rt,efloR ,seirhpmuH
AU 9781-0081 ,egroeG ,gnoL 1800-1879, tr.Discourses of Epictetus
AU 9781-0081 ,egroeG ,gnoL 1800-1879, tr.The meditations of Marcus Aurelius
AU 4391-2781 ,nehpetS ,annekcaM 1872-1934,tr. The six Enneads