Scientific correspondence of Joseph Priestley. Ninety-seven letters addressed to Josiah Wedgwood, Sir Joseph Banks, Capt. James Keir, James Watt, Dr. William Withering, Dr. Benjamin Rush, and others. Together with an appendix: I. The likenesses of Priestley in oil, ink, marble, and metal. II. The Lunar society of Birmingham. III. Inventory of Priestley's laboratory in 1791.
New York
Privately printed
vii, 240 p. illus., 2 port. )incl. front.(; 25 cm
250 copies printed
Includes index
Correspondence ، Priestley, Joseph, 3371-4081
، Lunar Society of Birmingham )England(
Correspondence ، Chemists-- Great Britain
، Chemistry
Ed., with copious biographical, bibliographical, and explanatory notes, by Henry Carrington Bolton