Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer Division-- 1998: presented at the 1998 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 15-20, 1998, Anaheim, California
New York
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
5v.; ill.; 28 cm
HTD, vol.163. vol.3: PID. vol.3
Includes bibliographical references and index
v.1. Heat transfer in flowing systems.-- v.2. Combustion and radiation heat transfer.-- v.3. Application of heat transfer in equipment, systems, and education.-- v.4. Heat transfer in materials processing.-- v.5. Numerical and experimental methods in heat transfer
، Heat-- Transmission-- Congresses
edited by Ralph A. Nelson ... ]et al.[; sponsored by the Heat Transfer Division, ASME
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CO American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Heat Transfer Division
CO International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition )8991: Anaheim, Calif.(
TI Heat transfer in flowing systems
TI Combustion and radiation heat transfer
TI Application of heat transfer in equipment, systems, and education v.4. Heat transfer in materials processing.-- v.5. Numerical and experimental methods in heat transfer
TI Heat transfer in materials processing
TI Numerical and experimental methods in heat transfer