The Sea, ideas and observations on progress in the study of the seas
New York
Interscience Publishers
v. illus, maps, charts )part fold( diagrs.; 27cm
Vols. 1-3 edited by M.N. Hill; vol. 4 by A.E. Maxwell; vols. 5-6 by Edward D. Goldberg ]et al.[; vol. 7 by Cesare Emiliani; v. 8 by Gilbert T. Rowe; v. 9 by Bernard Le Mehaute and Daniel M. Hanes
Vol. 4, pts. 1-2 have imprint: New York : Wiley-Interscience; v. 5-<9 >: New York : Wiley
Vols. 5-<9 >: "A Wiley-Interscience publication."
Includes bibliographies and indexes
v. 1. Physical oceanography -- v. 2. The composition of sea-water. Comparative and descriptive oceanography -- v. 3. The earth beneath the sea. History -- v. 4. New concepts of sea floor evolution. pt. 1.