Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering publications Ltd.
220 p.: ill., charts; 30 cm
I Mech E conference publications; 6891-2()MEP; 742
7-8 April 1986, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Birdcage Walk, London
International Conference on Fatigue and Crack Growth in Offshore Structures)1986: London, England(
Includes bibliographical references
، Offshore structures-- Congresses
، Welded joints-- Farigue-- Congresses
، Steel-- Fatigue-- Congresses
sponsored by the Offshore Engineering Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; co-sponsored by the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
CO Institution of Mechanical Engineers)Great Britain( Offshore Engineering Group
CO Institution of Civil Engineers)Great Britain(
CO Engineering Integrity Society
CO International Conference on Fatigue and Crack Growth in Offshore Structures )6891: London,England(