Seclected and with a new introduction by roger E. Backhouse
Early histories of economic thougut, 1824-1914
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
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Contents: v. 1. [without special title] -- v. 2. history of political economy/ Jerome-Adolphe Blanquie -- v. 3. view of the progress of political economy in Europe since the sixteenth century/ Traves Twiss -- v. 4. A guide to the study of political economy/ Luigi cossa --v. 5. A short history of political economy in England/ L.L. price -- v. 6. Philosophy and poltical economy/ James Bonar -- v. 7. the development of English thought/ Simon N. Patten -- v. 8. History of economic dictrines/ Charles Gide & Charles Rist -- v. 9. History of economic thought/ Lewis H. Haney -- v. 10. Type of economic theory/ othmar spann