The methodology of economics: nineteenth-century British contributions
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Contents: v. 1. "On the definition of political economy; and of the method of investigation proper to it" : essay on some unsettled question of political economy (1844) [and] "on the logic of the moral sciences" : a system of logic (1856)/ Jhon Stuart Mill.-- v. 2. The character and logical method of political economy/ Jhon Elliott Cairness.-- v. 3. The scope and method of political economy/ John Neville Keynes.-- v. 4. Classical economics 1827-1860/ William Nassau Senior... [et al.].-- v. 5. Historical economics 1870-1907/ Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie... [et al.].-- v. 6. Theoretical economics 1876-1914/ William Stanley Jevons... [et al.].-- v. 7. Marshall and Cunningham/ Alfred Marshall, William Cunningham.