held in cooperation with the International Institute of tropical Agriculture ,Ibadan,Nigeria,25-29october1982
Breeding for durable disease and pest resistance
Food and agriculture organization of the united nations
FAO plant production and protection paper,5
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographies
Contents:Strategy of disease resistance breeding/N.W.simmonds-crop improvement to minize future losses to diseases and pests in the tropics / Ivan W.Buddenhagen-Breeding for durable disease resistance in tropical maize with special reference to maize streak virus / J.M.Fajemisin...[et al.]-breeding for disease and pest resistance in pearl millet/R.J/.J.L.Notteghem-Breeding for disease and pest resistance in pearl millet/R.J.williams,D.J.Andrews-Breeding for disease resistance in rice/J.L.Notteghem-Breeding for disease and pestresistance in sorghum/A.T.obilana,A.A.Adesiyum,and S.K.Manzo-Cowpea breeding for disease and insect resistance/B.B.Singh,S.R.Singh,and L.E.Jackai-pigeon pea breeding for disease and pest resistance/J.F.M.onim
Plants-disease and pest resistance-Genetic aspects-congresses
Food crops-disease and pest resistance-Gentic aspets-congresses
plant breeding-congresses
food crops-Breeding-congresses
Food and Agriculture organization of the united Nations.plant protection service